Concert Etiquette 101: 6 Do’s and Don'ts of Watching a Concert
August 05, 2024

Going to a concert is always a defining moment in our lives. Whether you’re going to see your favorite singer for the eighth time or a new band for the first time, the excitement is always present.
However, the experience can be ruined if we fail to observe proper etiquette while watching. There’s a huge difference between enjoying a show responsibly and being a concert watcher who has no consideration for others.
This blog will provide the most essential concert etiquette that will be your handy guide for your next concert schedule.
Don’t take a lot of pictures - be in the moment

Don't take too many pictures or videos all the time. It's nice to look back at memories, but it's also important to enjoy the moment as it happens. If you're constantly recording, you're not experiencing what's going on. Plus, you might be blocking the view of others behind you. Just think about how you'd feel if someone did that to you. Let's focus on enjoying the moment without always reaching for our cameras.
Arrive early

Arriving late could distract others, especially if you are a big group. It can become a distraction in several ways. Firstly, the noise and commotion generated by a large group entering a concert venue, like Newport Performing Arts Theater, late can disrupt audiences who come in first. The sudden influx of people moving around, finding seats, and settling in can draw attention away from whatever is happening at the moment.
Know What You're Allowed to Bring In
Make sure you know what you're allowed to bring with you. Every place has its own rules about what's okay to bring inside. It's a good idea to check the venue's website or social media before you go, or even give them a call to double-check.
Wear Comfy Clothes and Pack Light

Have fun picking out your outfit for the concert, but remember to think about how much you'll be moving around. Are heels a good idea if you'll be dancing or standing a lot? Keep that in mind when choosing your outfit. Also, don't bring too much stuff, especially valuable things. Carrying them all night can be a hassle, and there's a risk of losing or having them stolen.
Avoid pushing

Don't shove your way through a crowded space just to get closer to the front. Everyone else has been waiting patiently, and you'll likely annoy them. The same goes for when the show starts – don't try to force your way through a packed area. Getting too close to people can lead to accidents.
No Screaming or Screeching
It's amazing to hear a whole crowd singing along with the artist at a concert. Don't let anyone stop you from joining in – that's part of the fun! But if your singing is so loud and piercing that it hurts people's ears and ruins their experience, maybe tone it down a bit. Concerts are for everyone to enjoy, and nobody wants to hear unpleasant screeching or screaming instead of the artist.
Attending a concert is an exhilarating experience, filled with the anticipation of seeing your favorite band, artist or performers perform live. However, it's crucial to remember that enjoying the show responsibly involves adhering to proper concert etiquette. From being present at the moment and respecting others' views to dressing comfortably and arriving early, each aspect contributes to creating a positive and memorable concert experience for everyone involved.